Meeting Memo--Afternoon, April 3, 2002


Date: Wednesday Apr. 3, 2002

Time: 2-4 pm

Place: Conference Room in School of Nursing

Attn.: (NUS School of Nursing), Masayo, Maeda (NCN), Nakano (Student of NUS School of Nursing)

Recorder: Maeda


1: Computer Network in School of Nursing

2: Translated questionnaire

1. Computer Network in School of Nursing

There is one line (category 5 twist pair cable) hanging from ceiling of faculty room, but there is no plug at the end of the line. So, we cannot connect it to computer. According those who are in charge of this line, to open the line depends upon a telecommunication agent. God knows when the line will be open. I hope it opens during my stay in Samoa.

2. Translated questionnaire

Faculties in School of Nursing complete translation of a questionnaire.

Following points were discussed.

1) Who will answer the questionnaire?

According to the research plan, 11yo and 14yo children are the target sample of this survey. However, in Samoa, student can skip or return in terms of their progress of learning. So, age does not always reflect students' grade. How do we think about the "target"?

Conclusion: Pre-test should be conducted according to the original plan (11yo and 14yo, we do not care about their grade).

2) How do we get sample for the pre-test?

Faculty members will get sample by way of informal network in their villages. Because they, who are nurses, are respected and delivered almost all babies in their village, it is relatively easy for them to get children who satisfy the conditions.

3) Percentages along by figures should be removed.

They are just Masayo's memos.

4) Options for the last question should be arranged so that "healthy" is first and "unhealthy" is last.

Faculties in School of Nursing said that "healthy" should be put ahead of "unhealthy", because children can answer easily.

5) Figures will be replaced with Samoan's based on Body Mass Index.

Faculties in School of Nursing have figures that children in Samoa can more easily recognize than that of Japan.

6) When will the questionnaires be collected?

The questionnaires will be collected by next Monday (April 8, 2002).

7) The question "What time do you get up in a week?" will work or not?

This type of question is vague. If the time to go to bed differs day by day, it is hard for children to answer the question. Children who take a nap during the daytime cannot answer the question. ==> If there are any problems with the result of the pre-test, some changes should be done.


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This page is produced by Jukai MAEDA
International Research Center in Cross-Cultural Nursing
Nagano College of Nursing, Japan
Last Update: 2002-04-26 11:27 am (JST)